Jumat, 02 Juli 2010

Windows Media Center

Windows Media Center in Windows Vista has a useful mechanism to allow the user to navigate through the media, but currently do not provide a mechanism to jump to specific locations in the presentation. Likewise, when listening to music, there is no way to go to specific locations in the audio. As a developer, if I feel that the difference in the functionality of a product, my first impulse was to ask if I can write any code to fix it (which is actually my second trend: the first is to ask if the other people have written code to improve it). Not very good if we can program Windows Media Center to respond to commands by remote control that allows users to skip the video, for example, allowing the user to enter a time code number on the remote control button, so that Windows Media Center to jump to the alternate site in rotation?

Indeed, it is possible. The beauty of Windows Media Center is that it is conceived as a product and a broad platform so that you can change the way you react in certain situations. In this article I'll show you exactly how to implement this or a similar function for the system you have Windows Media Center.

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Zuka mengatakan...
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Zuka mengatakan...

nice blog bro, i will be right back soon.

Anonim mengatakan...

nice work bro! keep posting

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